Friday, 16 March 2012

Lucy Harlow


All my writing energy is now going into the Lucy Harlow detective series. The text of the first two Oxygen Restriction and TV Torment have been extensively reviewed and revised. I will now put these away for 2 weeks before attempting to do the final edit. During that time I will write the third story Opera Flowers which is now fully plotted and researched. When OF is drafted, I will get on with moving OR towards publication. I hope to write a fourth story before mid year, but as ever it is a balancing act between homelife and the day job.

Best wishes


Saturday, 10 March 2012

You'll Never Walk Alone - Published

You'll Never Walk Alone has just been published and is available Free of Charge on Smashwords.

Best Wishes


Friday, 9 March 2012

You'll Never Walk Alone - Tomorrow

You'll Never Walk Alone, a nice little mystery with a twist in the tail, will be published tomorrow Saturday 10 March on Smashwords Free of Charge. 2700 words. Out 4 pm UK, 11 am Eastern US, 8 am West Coast.

Best Wishes


Lucy Harlow - Opera Flowers

The 3rd story in the Lucy Harlow detective series is a little murder mystery, which I am aiming to be around 8k (famous last words). All the plotting is done. Doing some research now and developing a new character, which will make a tight team of three for Lucy (with cameo appearances for her consultant - retired copper DCI Royston Reyolds). The team matures into a trio in this tale with Lucy PI, Tomasz (muscle) and Drake Julian (brains - technology).
The first two Lucy tales are written - Oxygen Restriction (8000 words) will be a free e-book. TV Torment (16700) words a 99c follow up. I am reviewing and revising these tales on a weekly basis. Will do the cover art work and blurb, and decide when to publish. Initial thoughts are Easter weekend for OR and a few weeks later for TVT. However, plans are fluid. These stories are all new material, written this year, will be contemporary, and seek to intrigue and entertain. They will form a series featuring Lucy our feisty little sleuth.

Best wishes


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

You'll Never Walk Alone - This Saturday

Phil March is about to lose his job but doesn't have the courage to tell Suzanne. The couple are about to land on hard times and Phil wanders about a local beauty spot in his lunchtimes mulling things over. A year after he is sacked, he sees his old boss following the same routine. The initial job cull did not cure the firm's finances, and the fate of the boss now walks in lockstep with Phil...

You’ll Never Walk Alone is a short mystery with a twist in the tail, and will be published Free of Charge on Smashwords this Saturday 4pm UK time.

Best Wishes


Monday, 5 March 2012

Read a E-book Week

The Scorpian Visitant is available on the Smashwords Read an E-Book Week for just 99c. Enter code REW50 at the checkout.

Best wishes


Sunday, 4 March 2012

The Scorpian Visitant - 99c this week

The Scorpian Visitant - is just 99c this week, available on Smashwords Read an E-book Week promotion. Enter code REW50 at the checkout.

Best wishes


Friday, 2 March 2012

Lucy Harlow et al


Oxygen Restriction has been finished today in draft. 8000 words.

TV Torment was finished in draft on 25 Feb. 16700 words.

OR will be published FOC on Smashwords on Sat 17 March.

TV Torment will be 99c and published on Smashwords Sat 31 March or Sat 7 April.

Plenty of time to tighten, review and revise the above two. Also to do artwork for covers. Got a great model!

You'll Never Walk alone, a decent little mystery, will be published FOC on Smashwords Next Saturday 10 March. Got the cover picture for this. Just needs last copy edit. 2800 words.

The Scorpian Visitant epic fantasy mystery will be just 99c for the week begining Sunday 4 March until the 11th as part of the Read an E-book Week (REW) promotion on Smashwords. Just enter the memorable code REW50 at the checkout.

Best wishes
