Friday, 18 May 2012

TV Torment publication this weekend

Hi folks, here's Lucy

The second story in the Lucy Harlow detective series will be published this weekened. TV Torment will be available on Smashwords and Amazon price 99c with a generous free sample. It is 16300 words long and here's the synopsis:

During a business trip to Cambridgeshire Lucy has a strange experience, similar to one she’d had in childhood. She hears the sound of the dead mingled with a TV news bulletin. Malcolm Margarson a deceased solicitor and pillar of the local community is being tortured in Hell by a vicious teenaged girl he calls “Angel”. Lucy learns that nineteen years ago Margarson was found dead in a lay-by off the nearby A10 with an axe buried in his skull. In the years that have passed no clues have come to light to point to the killer, and the conclusion of the police investigation that the murder had been the random act of a madman is widely accepted. But Lucy questions why a man unfortunate enough to be murdered at the age of 42 is suffering so much in the hereafter, and sets out the find out who his torturer was in life. In solving the riddle, she uncovers not only Margarson’s killer but also the leader of a gang responsible for the rape and murder of young women across the southeast of England...

A brief paranormal experience, the soundtrack of Hell, opens up an intriguing murder mystery with a tragic twist in the tail.

Look out for the story soon. I will post on Twitter and here when it's published, but probably it will be Saturday 19 May, UK time 1600 hrs.

Best wishes


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

TV Torment

Hi folks,

I am getting the 2nd Lucy Harlow Detective story, TV Torment, ready for publication now. I've been through it once this week. It needed only a few corrections. I will go through it again shortly then the text will be complete. I will write the long and short synopsis and, as the cover is done, it will be then be ready. The favourite date for publication is Saturday May 26th on Smashwords and Amazon.

I'll be writing more on here about TVT over the next few days.

Best wishes


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Double completed


I finished my latest short story 'Double' today. It s a mystery about a successful buisness man whose life takes a steady turn for the worst after seeing his double while on holiday with his wife and kids. It is 9400 words long and will be published later on in the summer for 99c.
I am very excited about this little tale and it fits in snugly with the type of work I produce.

The next task for me over the next couple of weeks is to get the next Lucy Harlow story, TV Torment, ready for publication. It has been put away now for quite a few weeks, so my eyes should be seeing it almost anew when I go through it. The cover is done and the text was extensively reviewed and revised before I put it away, so hopefully it will be out 26 May or maybe the week after. It is quite a long short story at about 16500 words and sees Lucy on the trail of a gang of serial murderers in Cambridgeshire.

I will be posting more specific details about my stories over the summer as they near publication.

Best wishes


Friday, 4 May 2012


I'm excited about this short story and have completed the first Chapter today ~ 850 words. The story centres on characters first appearing in the 1st Lucy Harlow (Oxygen Restriction) namely David Black (1st person protagonist) his wife Miriam and his Mistress Rachel Owen. Double is a Saul Moon mystery and will be published following TV Torment. I expect Double will take me about another week or so to write and then I'll get on with readying TVT for publication (now aimed at 26 May). I'll be posting more about Double as it develops, however I don't want to give the game away so its probably best left to the short synopsis to reveal what I want to be revealed.

Best wishes and regards


Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Hi folks,

Monday and yesterday evening I went through my latest and 5th Lucy Harlow Story Northern Star (9600 words). I have now put this away for a couple of months, before reviewing an revising again with fresh eyes. The plan is to publish this for 99c in September.

Tonight I completed the covers for TV Torment (2nd Lucy Story), Summer Solider (4th) and Northern Star. The cover for the 3rd Story  Opera Flowers was completed a couple of weeks back.

The way is now clear to start the final review and revision of TV Torment in readiness for publication. I plan to publish this on or around the 19th of May in all liklihood, although the 26th May is also an option. It will be one or the two. It is a long short story of about 16500 words and will be available on the usual outlets for 99c.

The other day I talked about having a rest from creativity. But I am finding this difficult to do at the moment. So I'll just ease down a bit, as I am happier if working on something new. I have come up with an idea for a follow up to Switch which is ready to write with the minimal of plotting. I'll plot it up over the next couple of days and begin it next week. It will be a genuine short mystery and I am hopeful for its success.

Best wishes
