Friday 9 March 2012

Lucy Harlow - Opera Flowers

The 3rd story in the Lucy Harlow detective series is a little murder mystery, which I am aiming to be around 8k (famous last words). All the plotting is done. Doing some research now and developing a new character, which will make a tight team of three for Lucy (with cameo appearances for her consultant - retired copper DCI Royston Reyolds). The team matures into a trio in this tale with Lucy PI, Tomasz (muscle) and Drake Julian (brains - technology).
The first two Lucy tales are written - Oxygen Restriction (8000 words) will be a free e-book. TV Torment (16700) words a 99c follow up. I am reviewing and revising these tales on a weekly basis. Will do the cover art work and blurb, and decide when to publish. Initial thoughts are Easter weekend for OR and a few weeks later for TVT. However, plans are fluid. These stories are all new material, written this year, will be contemporary, and seek to intrigue and entertain. They will form a series featuring Lucy our feisty little sleuth.

Best wishes


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